
Collection of tools to make my life easier

A small number of scripts to automate tasks like remote file transfers, CSV processing, and document generation.

  • bk_clean_(omb/hvd) is a python script for parsing program outputs and outputing .csv format. Can take Horovod / OSU-Microbenchmark files as inputs.
  • mdpdfdt is a shell script that wraps pandoc. It takes a markdonwn file as input and exports it to the destop as a pdf
  • chk is for checking SLURM job status on ComputeCanada clusters. Calling chk <cluster_name> will make a squeue call over ssh and compare it to the previous call to chk.
  • fetch is for transferring files on ComputeCanada clusters to the local machine. On the login node, populate ~/fetch.txt with the full path of files to be transferred (echo $PWD/<file> > ~/fetch.txt), the call fetch <clustername> locally, and the files in fetch.txt will be added to a local ./fetch folder.